Morgenworkout KW6

Hier wieder eine Empfehlung für einen Microworkout, der tendentiell immer in den Tag passt. Dieser Workout von Shifu Yan Xin (KungFu.Life) ist teilweise etwas intensiver. Motto ist die 2025-Losung 大道至简 – The Greatest Living is Simplicity.

With the world today becoming more and more complicated, with so much >information, distractions and noise, we feel we are drowning in the >complexity – with the start of a new10 year cycle for KungFu.Life we feel it >time to embrace the ancient Chinese Philosophy of 大道至简 – The Greatest >Living is Simplicity in this new cycle of life and KungFu.Life. So this year >workout is based on this wisdom. We hope you enjoy it and feel lighter, >clearer and more energised after.

2025 Kung-fu Workout mit QiGong & Meditation: Simplify & Return to your Authentic Self – youtube